National Population Adhoc Staff Recruitment for 2023 Census

National Population Adhoc Staff Recruitment for 2023 Census: Please recall that the Commission of its 201st meeting approved the use of the e-Recruitment Portal for the recruitment of the 2023 Population and Housing census (PHC) Ad-hoc functionaries.


National Population Adhoc Staff Recruitment for 2023 Census
National Population Adhoc Staff Recruitment for 2023 Census


The portal will be used to recruit personnel within and outside the Commission for the various roles required for the Census activities.


ln view of the foregoing, I am directed to inform you that all interested categories of applicants (internal and external), without exceptions, must register on the e-Recruitment portal to be eligible for engagement and deployment as a field functionary in the 2023 PHC.


The categories of field staff needed will include:

1. Facilitators

2. Training Centre Administrators

3. Monitoring & Evaluation Officers

4. Data Quality Managers

5. Data Quality Assistants

6. Supervisors

7. Enumerators


The number of functionaries to be recruited in each cotegory will depend on the number of ovailoble vacancies in each state, which will be derived largely from the total number of Enumeraation Areas (EAs) in the States.


To be eligible for consideration and engagement as a functionary in the Census, all candidates must have the following:


  • National ldentification Number (NlN)


  • Valid and Functional Phone Number


  • Valid and Functional Gmail Account


  • Valid and Functional Commercial Bonk Account (No student/NYSC Account)


  • Valid educational Qualifications
    Access to and knowledge on the use of computers, tablets & smrtphones is an added advantage.


NOTE: When applying using phone, make sure you ON your location on your phone.



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NOTE: When you were given application ID, make sure you copy the ID or Screenshot before you continue with your application.



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How to Apply for NPC Adhoc Staff Recruitment 2022/2023

To apply for NPC Adhoc Staff 2023 Census recruitment, visit the National Population Commission Portal below:

National Population Commission Portal:




Link to apply for NPC Adhoc Staff Recruitment

Below is the link to apply for National Population Commission Adhoc Staff Recruitment:




How to Resolve Enter your Application Code Issues:

  • Click Start Application’
  • Then Click on ‘Resume Previous Application’
  • Use your National Identification Number (NIN) as your Application Code.
  • Then Click Resume Application to continue your application



How to Resume Previous or Uncompleted Application

  • To login back to your profile, ‘Click Start Application’
  • Then Click on ‘Resume Previous Application’
  • Use your National Identification Number (NIN) as your Application Code.
  • Then Click Resume Application to continue your application.




NPC Cencus Recruitment Closing Date:

Close of Application Portal is on 28th December, 2022.



National Population Adhoc Staff Recruitment for 2023 Census Screening 

Commencement of screening of applicants at all the LGAs is 20th November, 2022.



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24 thoughts on “National Population Adhoc Staff Recruitment for 2023 Census”

  1. Dear Npc
    My name’s are Bibiana Terumbu Tyokase,I applied for Npc ad hoc recruitment for the post of a facilitator n unfortunately for me I applied late so I was pick but I had it can be edited to another post but I don’t know how to go abt it,I have done d screening here at gwagwalada area council but yet my application status is still showing pending,pls help me out thanks.

  2. Dear NPC,
    My name is Musa Muhammad and have successfully applied and application code was given on the screen and I screened shot it as my reference.

    Unfortunately my phone got crashed and now I have missed everything including my NPC application code issued to me.

    Could you please highlight me on the possible way to retrieve it?

    Thank you and expecting your kind response, please.

    Yours faithfully,
    Musa Garba Baraya

  3. Dear NPC,
    My name is Musa Garba Baraya and have successfully applied and application code was given on the screen and I screened shot it as my reference.

    Unfortunately my phone got crashed and now I have missed everything including my NPC application code issued to me.

    Could you please highlight me on the possible way to retrieve it?

    Thank you and expecting your kind response, please.

    Yours faithfully,
    Musa Garba Baraya

    • I’m KADIRI MOSES, apply NPC under KARU nasarawa state
      With successful application I’d code I have donescreeing
      Screening but my approval still de pending instead of approval for login my detail pls help me out sir Pls

  4. I haven’t complete my application but trying to log in and complete it is saying retry access code,what should I do.

  5. I haven’t submitted my application form on filling it, but all effort to get back and submit it has been abortive as the system keep saying I have completed the application. What should I do pls.

  6. Please my phone went of before i finish my registration and since then if I try to login back it show this application is complete!. Pls what can I do to complete it?

  7. I have follow the guidelines to retrieve application code but whenever I enter my national identification number it’s shows me that my application is complete

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