Link to Apply for I-Youth Training Application Form 2023

Link to Apply for I-Youth Training Application Form 2023:For youth interested in developing knowledge and skills to better position you for employment opportunities within the Agro-allied sectors in Nigeria.

The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in collaboration with the Mastercard Foundation  Young Africa Works Program, seeks to provide the required skills to secure dignified and fulfilling work for youth in agri-food value chains thereby, empowering them for entrepreneurship and decent employment opportunities.

This application form is for youths interested in decent employment training and is part of the selection process that requires important information on your personal details and training preference and must be duly completed for consideration.

I-Youth Training Application Form Open for OND, HND, BSc, BEd, BA, MSc Holders

How to apply

Interested applicants can apply via the below link address.

Link to Apply for I-Youth Training Application Form:



  • Applicant First Name
  • Applicant Last Name
  • Email (Please enter a valid email)
  • Phone Number (WhatsApp)
  • Gender
  • Birth Date
  • Age as at last Birthday
  • Marital Status
  • State of Origin (select others)
  • Address
  • LG of Residence
  • State of Residence
  • Country


  • Level of Education Completed
  • What is your qualification?
  • What is your course of study?
  • What is your preferred training location?
  • Other languages spoken?


  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email (Please enter a valid email)
  • Phone Number (WhatsApp)
  • Residential Address?


Guarantor has to be a clergy, senior person in the private sector or government worker or a community leader.

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email (Please enter a valid email)
  • Phone Number (WhatsApp)
  • Designation/Position?
  • Residential Address?


  • Are you currently employed?
  • Do you have any Health Challenge?
  • What is your motivation for applying and why should you be selected for this training?
  • If you are selected to participate in this training, will you be willing to mentor at least 2 people on your acquired knowledge and skill?

READ ALSO: Apply for FGN Subsidy Empowerment Scheme (FGN-SES) 2023

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