Venite University Ekiti Academic & Non-academic Job Recruitment 2023

Venite University Ekiti Academic & Non-academic Job Recruitment 2023:Venite University, Iloro Ekiti is one of the newly approved private universities in Nigeria located at Iloro Ekiti, Ijero Local Government area of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

The University is a conventional University and shall offer programmes in both arts-based and science-based disciplines. Our core values are Honesty, Creativity and Innovation.

Interested candidates, who meet the requisite qualifications and experience as stated below, may apply. Each appointment is for a term of five years


  • A good Bachelors’ degree with Honours ftrom a recognized universty with at least 15 (fifteen) years of cognate experience, preferably in a University or other Institutions of hgher learnig. Acquisition of higher degrees) and professional certfticates will be an added advantage:
  • Proven records of sound administrative leadership including membership in recognized professional management bodies.
  • Presently not below the rank of a Deputy Registrar


  • A Bachelor of Science honours degree in Accounting and shall possess accounting qualifications and be a chartered Accountart with at least 15 years post-qualficaton experience in a recognized University or in other higher
    instutions of leaning.
  • Must not be below the rank of Deputy Bursar


  • Must have earned a PhD in Library Science with evidence of outstanding and continuing achievements in the feld with at least 20 (Twenty good publications indexed in internationally accepted indexing platforms.
  • Must be computer literate
  • Must not be below the rank of Deputy Librarian

(B) Teaching and Non-Teaching Positions

The programmes for which these pootions are required are in the Colleges of:

(a) College of Allied Health Sciences

  1. Nursing Science
  2. Public Heath
  3. Medical Laboratory Science
  4. Physiotherapy

(b) College ot Science and Computing Studies

  1. Microbiology
  2. Biochemistry
  3. Forensic Science
  4. Computer science
  5. Cyber Security
  6. Sotware Engineering
  7. Information Technology

(c) College of Social and Management Science

  1. Accounting
  2. Economics & Development Studies
  3. Criminology & Security Studies
  4. Peace Studes and Conflict Resolution
  5. Mass Communication
  6. EntrepreneurshipStudies
  7. Taxation
  8. Public Administration
  9. International Relations & Strategic Studies.


  • Professor VUIASS 07
  • Associate Prof/Reader VUIASS 06
  • Senior Lecturer VUIASS 05
  • Lecturer I VUIASS 04
  • Lecturer lI VUIASS 03


  • Admission Officer VUINTSS 08
  • Content Marketer/Graphics Designer VUNTSS 08
  • Administrative Officer VUINTSS 08
  • Administrative Assistant VUINTSS O7
  • Counseling Psychologist VUINTSS 08
  • Senior Programmer/’System Analyst VUINTSS O9
  • Webmaster/System Analyst
  • Programmer VUINTSS 08
  • Data Processing Officer VUINTSS 07
  • Principal Infomation/Communicaton Officer VUINTSS 11
  • Senior Information Officer VUINTSS 09
  • Senior Planning Oficer VUINTSS 09
  • Academic Planning Officer I VUINTSS 08
  • Confidential Secretary VUINTSS 07
  • Senior Assistant Registrar VUINTSS 11
  • Assistant Registrar VUINTSS O9
  • Administrative Offcer I VUINTSS 08
  • Aocountant I VUINTSS 08
  • Accountant II VUINTSS 07
  • Librarian I VUIASS 03
  • Lbrarian II VIASS 02
  • Library Officer VUINTSS 07
  • Technologist II VUINTSS O7
  • Medical Officer VUlMESS
  • Staf Nurses VUINTSS O6
  • Sports Coach II VUINTSS 7

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In all cases, canddates must show evidence of high research potentials, teaching capacty and adequate
pubications in peer-reviewed reputable journals.

1. Professor: A PhD. degree in the discipline applied for with at least 12 years of post-qualfication, Candidate must show evidence of scholarly publications in Scopes or ISi indexed journal with a good h-index, Membership of professional bodies wil be an added advantage.

2. Associate Professor (Reader): Same as for Professor but with at least 10 years post-quaification.

3. Senior Lecturer: Same as for Professor but with at least 7 years of post qualfication full time, relevant teaching and research experence.

4. Lecturer I: PhD. degree from a reputabie University with at least 3 years of post -qualification teaching experience, and evidence of scholarly publications.

5. Lecture II: A fresh Ph.D degree with evidence of scholarly publications.

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  • Candidates must possess a good honours degree with atleast Second Class (Lower Division) in related fields, must be computer Literate.


All submission must be online at Venite University Iloro Ekiti Recruitment Portal:

For more information please contact: Applicants are also required to submit curriculum Vitae, credentials and application letter giving the folowing information in the order stated below:

  • Full Name (Surname first, in capital letters)
  • PostDesired and Department
  • Date and Place of Birth
  • Age (attach evidence)
  • Gender
  • LocalGovernment Area
  • State of Origin
  • Nationalty
  • Pemanent Home Address
  • Curent Postal Address
  • Mobile Phone Number
  • E-mail Address
  • Marital Status
  • Number of Children with ages
  • Instutions Attended (with dates)
  • Academic Quaifications (with dates)
  • Professional Qualfications (with dates)
  • Scholarship and Prizes at University, Secondary or Technical Level (starting with the latest)
  • Training Programmes Attended (Period of Training and College, describe courses taken, starting with the
  • Previous Employment (general and specific experiences, with dates starting wth the most recent)
  • Present Employment, Status and Salary indicating level, step and salary per anmum)
  • Reseach Interests and Commissioned Projects (completed, starting with the latest, in progress list)
  • Publications, discoveries and inventions with details (where applcable)
  • Major Conferences and Workshops Attended with Paper read (starting with the latest)
  • Details I of administrative, fund raising and managerial activities and experience in universities and related
    insttutions and organizations.
  • Teaching Experience (where Applicable)
  • Service to the Community (with status and dates)
  • Extra Curricular Activities
  • Names and Addresses of three (3) Referees
  • Applicants should also contact their Referees to submit soft copies of reference letters directly to the Vice Chancellor at not later than four (4) weeks.


The salary for the posts are attractive, negotiable and would be such as are currently earned in any reputable University in Nigeria.

Application closes six (6) weeks with effect from the date of this advertisements (0nly shortisted candidates will be contacted)



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