Yobe State Graduates Job Employment List Compilation 2024

Yobe State Graduates Job Employment List Compilation 2024

As part of the efforts to enhance employment opportunities and empowerment of our youth,The Ministry of Wealth Creation, Empowerment, and Employment Generation is undertaking a
comprehensive initiative to compile a list of graduates across the 17 Local Government Areas of our State.

Furthermore, the importance of harnessing the potential of our educated youth and providing them with suitable employment opportunities to contribute effectively to the development of our community is one of the key objectives of this administration of His Excellency. Hon. Mai Mala Buni CON

Therefore, we kindly request your cooperation in compiling a detailed list of graduates within your jurisdiction. The compiled list should include the following details for each graduate:

– Full Name

-Contact Information (Phone Number and Email Address)

-Qualifications (Degree Obtained)

– Field af Study

– Year of Graduation

-NIN Number


How to Apply Online

To submit your applications, visit the application portal at https://mwceegyobe.org.ng/graduates-compilation/ Or Click Here to Apply Online

Moreover, the Ministry would appreciate if you can submit a soft copy of the compiled list to the Ministry of Wealth Creation, Empowerment, and Employment Generation via email
yobemowceeg11@gmail.com or info@mwceegyobe.org.ng
not later than Friday, 23rd February, 2024

Your prompt attention to this matter is highly appreciated as it will enable us to streamline our efforts in identifying suitable employment and empowerment opportunities for our

Please accept the highly esteemed regards of ihe Honourable commissioner.


Yobe State MWCEEG Graduate Job Portal:



Adanu Buba Jajere
Director Employment Generation
For: Honourable commissioner


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